Your capacity to feel pain directly impacts your capacity to experience pleasure.
Think of a time you felt tremendous pleasure. Now think of a time you felt immense pain. Notice how both hold sensation. They are both simply…SENSATION. The only difference between pain and pleasure is simply that we resist pain. We turn away from it. Instead of being WITH the pain, we judge it as bad. “I shouldn’t be feeling this way.” “ I don’t want to feel this way. ” “Why do I have to be so sensitive?” “I’m so dramatic.” “This shouldn’t be happening.” When we don’t know how to feel pain, we don’t know how to feel sensation. And if we don’t know how to feel sensation, we also don’t know how to fully experience pleasure, because it’s sensation, too! The more you can expand your capacity to feel pain, the more pleasure opens up. And vice versa.
Have you ever had a whole new appreciation for your health and “feeling good” AFTER you were sick? You didn’t know how good feeling healthy was until you experienced the contrast. The increased pleasure was felt because of the heightened pain that came before it. What if all sensation = aliveness? What if feeling it all was what made you whole? What if you stopped cutting yourself in half, only accepting the high-vibe experiences, and instead embraced it all?
Answer this: What’s one thing that could make this moment 10 percent more pleasurable right now?

Thank You!
I hope you found this message helpful. If you’re interested in learning how to unpack your feelings, Let’s dive deeper!
~ Andi
Life Redefined Healing Therapists in Friendswood TX are here to help. Available for Telemental Health Sessions nationwide or in person. Schedule an appointment with us today!
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