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I genuinely believe we all are here to feel good, to thrive, and to fall in love with life. I don‘t want my clients to feel ok, I want them to feel great! I will help you make sense of the past, enjoy the present, and gain clarity on your future.
Hello Sis! I am so glad that you found me! My promise to you is that I will help you find yourself. It is so easy to get disconnected from your intuition, your joy, and your basic sense of self. You wear a million hats; Mother, Sister, Friend, Boss, Employee, Wife, and society says you have to juggle these plates effortlessly, while wearing heels! We have an ingrained inner voice that says “I should be able to do it all”, but sis, that’s just not realistic. It’s true, there aren’t enough hours in the day to get it all done, because one person can’t be responsible for ALL. Our work together will help you shift that inner voice and create one that allows for you to build a more harmonious, fulfilling, and enjoyable life.
Over my 12 years as a Marriage and Family Therapist, I have acquired the skillset to help women worth through their traumas, breakthrough limiting beliefs, redefine succes, and reclaim their lives and their schedules. I don’t offer quick fixes, but I do promise a worthwhile journey where I will walk alongside you and guide you back to yourself. Using holistic; mind, body, and soul practices, you may realize that you can have it all and yourself at the same time. I look forward to connecting with you.
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Mindset Coaching
Inner Child work
Marriage and Motherhood
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Finding Balance
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Mental Health Nutrition
Self Work (Self – Compassion, Self -Love, Self- Care, & Self Worth
Depression & Anxiety
Met many of these professionals, and they mean business! Let them help you or others you care about.
"I have been working with Saudia for years now. In the beginning I first saw her after wanting to commit suicide and suffering from depression. Throughout my years she has been amazing! I have come a long way in communicating my feelings, not carrying the weight of stress and learning how to recognize what I’m feeling. I don’t think words could really express how much it has meant to have her in my team for my overall health and with my family in understanding my depression.
This group has been a lifesaver, it is awesome to be part of a group where it is easy to share and learn. Saudia gives the group to explore and facilitate topics ourselves and also provides gentle guidance, this always leads to interesting themes and topics that I would not always think about when reading the book on my own. This has been an awesome experience and definitely would recommend this to others"